23 outubro, 2009
20 outubro, 2009
Sundley October...
Sundley October...
Here I’am, it's October and everything seems less than it was a few months ago but the only great comfort it's knowing that I’m going home to be with my family and review my best friends.
It's my mother birthday which I’am looking forward to go as well as one of my best friends, Telma. We're both Scorpio, born in different months but i could risk to say that we're two soul mates, the kind we could ask in any good friend just with the advantage that she is just like me, a very passionate person, sensible and with a extra-sensorial gift that goes beyond words. We are so look a like and different in our opinions but we agree and disagree, like and dislike with the delight that our opinion are heard. I bought my ticket special to arrive early in order to spend her birthday with her. I'm extremely anxious... but everything will be great.
09 outubro, 2009
Guerreiro da luz
Todos os caminhos do mundo levam ao coração do guerreiro; ele mergulha sem hesitar no rio de paixões que sempre corre por sua vida.
O guerreiro sabe que é livre para escolher o que desejar; suas decisoes são tomadas com coragem, desprendimento, e - as vezes - com uma certa dose de loucura.
Aceita suas paixões, e as desfruta intensamente. Sabe que não é preciso renunciar ao entusiasmo das conquistas; elas fazem parte da vida, e alegra a todos que delas participam.
Mas jamais perde de vista as coisas duradouras, e os laços criados com solidez através do tempo.
Um guerreiro sabe distinguir o que é passageiro, e o que é definitivo.
01 outubro, 2009
That was it...
That was it... the perfect strange feeling that took over me during summer will it be any real a few months from now, well that's what i'm going to figure out but any way or any how as a like to say they'll be such great memories. Until then I'm still going to be... one of the 3 girls that my mom raise.