My So Called... Jukebox

More than words...

Music has always had a special place in my life. Since a very young age I listen to my brothers and sisters signing and wanted to badly learn lyrics and sing my favourite songs. 

I will never forget that the first song I learned was:

After that song my confidence and love for the English language grew and I was quickly learning songs in English and Portuguese. My capacity to memorise lyrics was unstoppable and the timings, beats were like magic.

Till this day listening to music and signing it is my best form of therapy. There are constant artists in my life and there is those one hit wonders (that only appeal to you once and with one song).

The constant artists have been so far:

1. India
2. John Mayer
3. Amos Lee
4. Ingrid Michaelson
5. Adriana Calcanhoto
6. David Fonseca
7. Ana Carolina
8.Sarah Bareilles
9.Natalie Imbruglia
10. TLC

With so much more to discover I hope to share with you what is in my so called Jukebox. Stay tuned as I share the music that touch my soul and puts me at ease... as there is meaning in the beauty of those songs.

JUKEBOX Playlist 1:

- Robin Thicke

- India Airie

- Maria Mena

- Miguel

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