24 dezembro, 2012

Feliz Natal / Merry Christmas

Em jeito de celebração aqui ficam os meus votos de um Feliz Natal/Merry Christmas/Feliz Navidad/Joeux Noel para todos os bloggers e visitantes.

To celebrate this festive season I wish all the bloggers and visits a Happy Christmas and lots of good things with your family.

Be naughty and nice. Be good or bad. Be generous and happy.
Be in your best.

23 dezembro, 2012

Christmas Dinner III

Another Christmas dinner, woop woop woop!! This time around it was with old friends from Tap Victoria Programm, back in the days before I moved to UK. A very good evening among friends with lots of jokes and laughter. There are somethings that not even time erase and tIhat I call friendship.

A Tolkien Christmas... The Hobbit

After a long wait since me and my brother heard that Peter Jackson was returning to the big screen with one Lord of the Rings adventure, The Hobbit it was not a matter of do we want to see but when will we see it. As soon as the movie date was announced our date was set a week after the premiere just before Christmas. The Hobbit: An unexpected voyage - me, my sister and my brother on  a sunday afternoon as planned in the back of the cinema theathre ready to be wondered by Midle Earth.

22 dezembro, 2012

Get ready to fly...

A new day as come... It was not the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
Depois de uma óptima sexta feira com os colegas de trabalho, onde a boa disposição e sorrisos foram uma constante, ficou o I'll see you in the new year saudoso.
De malas aviadas para o primeiro natal em familia em 4 anos. Duas semanas de descanso e de muito gossip com os amigos e relembrar histórias passadas como se fosse ontem que aconteceram.

20 dezembro, 2012

If tomorrow never comes...

I want to think I would be doing something that I would like to have done but never had courage to do. It maybe be... Lets see if the world ends. :-P

Be gracious. Be bold. Be brave. Be you.

14 dezembro, 2012

Christmas dinner II

Another Christmas dinner this time with my work colleagues. The Brasseire in Convent Garden was the best restaurant choosed for a late lunch after an amusing secret santa, a very secretive santa I should say. With good food, great company and even better evening we finished our festivities in  Roadhouse bar/club.

08 dezembro, 2012

Christmas dinner I

The first Christmas dinner was with my beloved friends from the Lodge. Great atmosphere,crazy banter and lots of singing. The Toby Carvery in South Croydon was the place chosen to reunite the Fantastic 4. With the secret santa papers flying around,everyone had once again the best secret santa gifts.

21 novembro, 2012

Am I ready?

Emotionally ready? Mature readiness? Is it that confusing that we are all looking for the same in different times. Some of us are ready to love and be loved from young ages but most of us want the self-realisation and discovery of ourselves before we endeavour in such adventures.
Am I ready and mature to find love? The kind of love that is unselfish, true and not always pretty or easy to maintain? The type of love that says je t'aime, amo-te or I love you in any language? The kind of love that helps you face your fears and lets you be you as long you let love comfort your heart? The kind of love that drinks from each person wisdom and compliments them for the courage of enjoying life  and celebrating their awsomeness? Am I there yet?? I don't know and doubt that I'll find anytime soon what is that litle magic that only a few can call... AMOR!

Be strong. Be faithfull. Be you. Be blessed.


by Pedro Abrunhosa

Be brave. Be loved. Be you. Be blessed.

31 outubro, 2012

Nao corras ou tenhas pressa
Num instante a vida acaba
O mundo para e tu não
Vais poder terminar
O teu pensamento, a tua palavra
O teu momento, os teus sonhos
Nao corras contra o tempo
Mas usa a teu favor
Da mais tempo ao que tempo
Para as coisas aconteçam em teu favor
Aproveita,saboreia e mostra o teu valor

Be wise. Be gentil. Be you. God bless.


E esse sentimento de solidão
Que chega sem aviso
E essa vontade de abraçar
De poder beijar alguém
Que eu hoje sinto
E esses pequenos nadas
Que sao destinados
A ser mais nada que um sinal
Porém, nada me deixa mais
Apaixonada do que saber
Que quem eu gosto
Gosta de mim também.

Good night. Be good. God bless.

08 outubro, 2012


Wish I could speak
But my tongue gets weak around you
Wish I could touch
By my hands do not go that far
Wish you could see
Because I am obvious
Wish you would know
How you make me feel
Wish you would guess
My thoughts about you
But I most off all wish
I had you...

07 setembro, 2012

Life best Quotes...

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.
Henry David Thoreau

Be wise. Be blessed. Be Free.

Sounds of my soul...

Ele é o cantor do momento para mim, espero que possam ouvir a voz deste homem. Para os amantes do soul, Robin Thicke é uma old new reference. Com tres trabalhos lancados, Superman continua a ser a musica que me cativa e me faz acreditar que um dia vai chegar a minha vez de me encontrar nas nuvens pelas maos do meu proprio Super Homem. Fica aqui um video da belíssima canção "Superman".

Robin Thicke is the singer, the old new reference that you think of when you hear modern soul music with a touch of classic. With songs from three different albums that are a mix of flavours, such as the most recent "Love after war" or "Can you Believe". He is a small box full of amazing talent and outsanding voice and performances. Here you have a beautiful interpretation of one of my favourites "Superman".

06 setembro, 2012

I kissed a frog and I liked it...

When did the frog became better than the prince?

I find it difficult to say that I only like guys for their personality, because everyone knows that a bit of good looks also helps but in my case I actually take only 20% of looks in consideration.
It is case to say that most attractive guys don't attract me, at least not as much as the not so attractive but very intellectual, kind, gentile, sensitive and talkative type of men.
I definitely overlook the prince charming and will date the frog, as in a society like the one we have today people should start to value each other more for who they are than what they look like. And besides, there is less chance of your relationship ending because he was too sexy for his love.

Be wise. Be blessed. Kiss loads.


01 setembro, 2012

A come back...

Hello, fellow bloggers and readers.
I am definetly needing a come back to the blog as there is less than a few days for my 4 years anniversary if being in Uk. I will be revisiting this past time and check where i am now. What hope will come and give you a prospect of what is My so called life...

Have a great day.
Be wise and blessed.


07 julho, 2012

The 3rd sunny day...

Huh... We need to count our blessings when we have a sunny day in London. I dont know how is thw rest of the country but here is nice.

10 junho, 2012

"Be my baby" cover - Music Sessions

Be my baby cover

Adoro cantar por isso comecei uma serie de experiencias a fazer cover de musicas que eu gosto e que adora por num musical. Aqui fica a minha versao, meio musical.

I love to sing so I started a serie of experiences with songs there I like and that I would love to see as part of a musical. This is just me having fun don't want to be a pro. Lol

15 março, 2012

KONY 2012 - Join the Army of Peace!!

I cried watching this film and as I recently saw "Machine Gun Preacher", a film that showed the fight of one man, Sam Childers. He has been  fighting to rescue the children in Uganda from the LRA (Lords Resistance Army) for many years now. 

This is a army that fights for no cause and has no political agenda and the lider JOSEPH KONY is just like HITLER, spreading terror on earth for millions of children and their families.

If one man action can make it possible for children to be rescued and have a better chance in life another man idea can make it possible for the most wanted man in the all world to be capture for his crimes. Yes, JOSEPH KONY it's 2012 and WE are coming after you. 

So please lets share this information with everyone we know friends, family, teachers, neighbours, because knowledge is power and the more of us know about KONY the most famous he will get and then there won't be any place were  he can hide. 

Stand for something as our generation should not stop at nothing to shape the future of our children world.


08 março, 2012

Dia internacional das Mulheres/International Women Day

Feliz dia Internacional das Mulheres/Happy International Women Day

Vamos continuar a educar  mundo, pois mulheres voces tem o poder de mudar o curso da historia.

Let the mothers of today change the story of our tomorrow.


Today or Tomorrow what's the difference?
God always leaves you a window and you just have to be prepared to find the lader and reach it so when you get inside you arrange everything you need to open the door.
A new day as come...

03 fevereiro, 2012

In dreams...

In dreams the world would not have any colour and men and women will always fight to achieve their right to happiness...