31 agosto, 2011
Filmes Internacionais or International Films...
For long time I had this muisc in my head it is from one of the best indian movies I have seen "Fanna". It made me go look for it in any market and store until i found it and probably still a bit expensive but I bought, 'cause is once in a lifetime movie. All this years and I still watch it as if it was the first time, you have to love Kajol and Aamir Khan in this movie. I laughed, I cried and I simply enjoyed... Chand Sifarish!!
29 agosto, 2011
27 agosto, 2011
I really learned a lot...
It's been a year of emotions, frustration, disappointment, anger, disillusion and fear about something I was never in control to begin with which was someone else's feelings but the truth is that I learn a lot. I am not ready to go through that once more, the past stays in the past and even the good memories don't bring my life forward. So I've finally let go... 'cause I learn a lot when you vanished "out my door".
Hey baby! It's all gravy
We all do what we got to do
Hey darling! I’m broken hearted
I’ve been crying but my crying is through
And I learned a lot
I've really learned a lot
Broken down on my bedroom/bathroom floor
Yes I've learned a lot
I've Really learned a lot
I hope you find what you were looking for
Spent a lot of time staring at the ceiling
Spent a lot of time talking to walls
Spent a lot of time chasing on that old-time feeling
Spent a lot of time waiting for your call
Oh and darling! The sun has been fallin’
Like the dust on some Midwestern plane
Oh and darling! Instead of running
I think it might be time
you sit down
and deal with the pain
Late at night I sit and listen to the freeway
Rolling like a river on a distant shore
Nobody told me that living was easy
I ain’t living in fear anymore
Hey baby! It's all gravy
We all do what we got to do
Hey darling! I’m broken hearted
I’ve been crying but my crying is through
And I learned a lot
I've really learned a lot
Broken down on my bedroom/bathroom floor
Yes I've learned a lot
I've Really learned a lot
I hope you find what you were looking for
Spent a lot of time staring at the ceiling
Spent a lot of time talking to walls
Spent a lot of time chasing on that old-time feeling
Spent a lot of time waiting for your call
Oh and darling! The sun has been fallin’
Like the dust on some Midwestern plane
Oh and darling! Instead of running
I think it might be time
you sit down
and deal with the pain
Late at night I sit and listen to the freeway
Rolling like a river on a distant shore
Nobody told me that living was easy
I ain’t living in fear anymore
Amos Lee
25 agosto, 2011
One day...
What would you do if you only had one day?
This is not really what this is book and film is about but it could be as so much can be done in a day and at the same time a lot could be lost in one day. I have seen the trailer of this movie and not only I knew the actors as this story appealed to me and next thing I know I bought the book to read. And let me tell you I haven't read any thing that good in English in a long time.
Even though the movie is out and I went to see it I'm still reading the book, because it is that great. I sincerely advise to all of those who love to write and read to get that book, is such a good experience and it's more than just a book it could be your story.
16 agosto, 2011
Thank you!!
A very big thank you to everyone that visits my blog around all this years and just this year alone I had so many people coming from different places. I do talk about me, things that happend around me and what I like but I appreciate all your support, Brasil N.1, USA N.2, UK N.3 and Portugal N.4!!!

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12 agosto, 2011
Just one more time...
Being at home after all the confusion in London in a imposed curfew made me look for interesting things in internet. I loved this video as I am looking foward to learn sign language only some of the principal and basic from BSL (British Sign Language - because I'm here), the ASL (American Sign Language - because i love it) and LGP (Lingua Guestual Portuguese - because it's my country) and I think will be a nice and challenging experience. When I have the grasp of it, I'll post it in te blog.
10 agosto, 2011
"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" Lawless UK
And to think that this movie was only going to premier from Thursday, as we can already see first hand the destruction an anarchy that is ruling the major cities of the country. It is case to say that really it seems that they wont be premiering the movie as we are already having our own "Rise of the Planet of the Apes". Hope this violence ends quickly, we can not and will not live in fear!!!
Source: All phtos belong to Reuters agency
09 agosto, 2011
Croydon 'is a war zone'
I was walking in the Croydon Centre today and passed around all this areas they were looting and setting fire to. It just a disgrace, it is pure evil. How can young people think the best way to be heard and to fight for what they want is to destroy other peoples lives and buisness??
All this seems like a scene from a American movie, never though I would witness riots in my life.
It is sad and utterly shocking to see this in TV. Every one has problems but we don't go out lashing in other people just to feel somehow "Big" and good with ourselves, there is something called law and order that should keep the realm between us all.
Is it copy cat criminality?? Is it organize criminality?? The truth is somehow the messages in BBM, Facebook and Twitter are organizing the masses and most of this offenders are young kids probably between there 14 and 17 years old which means they wont be charged with any crimes because they are minors. As once was said there is nothing worse than a man with no 'cause or a man with nothing to lose.
As a young sociologist this is one hell of a subject to study in years to come but I certainly do not wish this in any city or to any people.
"War" is not the answer, 'cause the answer is within you.
08 agosto, 2011
Shocked and Sad...
This should be foreseen some how long time ago some say but there is no justification for this. This is a reporter with more than 1 year ago were riots could be a risk for England as a result of what we could see happening in other countries like Spain and Greece.
"Nick Clegg is threatening people with the prospects of riots if the private sector taxpayers get their way, and have cuts forced on the out of control public sector."
Source: Recorded from Sky News, 11 April 2010
"Nick Clegg is threatening people with the prospects of riots if the private sector taxpayers get their way, and have cuts forced on the out of control public sector."
Source: Recorded from Sky News, 11 April 2010
05 agosto, 2011
03 agosto, 2011
Happy Birthday, Sophie Alexa!!

Porque os verdadeiros amigos nao se esquecem mesmo que o tempo passe e a saudade dos velhos tempos e tudo o que resta, ainda a momentos e historias por contar e por viver num futuro nao tao distante que de si e brilhante para nos... Um viva a mais um aniversario, 27!!! Chegaste com estilo, presenca e um grande sorriso estampado no rosto, por que isso e So Love, So Love e muito mais. Um beijo enorme e saudoso.
Feliz Aniversario!!!
02 agosto, 2011
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